Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dallas Symphony

I found a smoking deal for tickets to the symphony so I invited the Collingwoods knowing that they are music lovers. We ate dinner at a hotel close to the music hall and climbed to our seats that were about as high up as you can go. The symphony was incredible. There was a piano soloist that blew me away. He would have to wipe the sweat off his head every so often with a rag because he was playing so fast. After the concert we stopped at sonic to make our sweet evening even sweeter.

Jerry & Michalann

View from our nose bleed seats.


The Collingwood Family said...

that was a fun night! Thanks for posting pictures!

katierose said...

at least you had nose bleed seats at an event that it doesn't really matter if you can see anything...all you gotta do is listen. what a nice evening.