Sunday, February 1, 2009

Teaching without a Lesson

When I walked into Relief Society, which is the women’s class at our church, the secretary asked me if I was teaching today. I said no and that I thought Amy was. She responded that Amy was teaching on the 22nd. To my surprise I found out that I was teaching and I had about 20 minutes to get something together for a lesson. After a trip to the church library to get a copy of Presiden Uchtodorf’s talk “Happiness. Your Heritage,” I sat in the hall reading talk, making notes, until it was my turn to go on. So, for the amount of time I put into the lesson, it turned out pretty well. At least I didn’t have to stress all week about teaching.


Ava Nielson said...

Better you than me...I would DIE!

sweet mama entropy said...

Must be all those years of education training and application shining through!