Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dang it Carter!

"Dany it Carter," is what I find myself yelling serveral times a day. He is into everything. I really need locks for my kitchen cabinets and for my bedroom door. We have to keep our chairs upside down on the kitchen table or Carter uses them to get into the drawers. His favorite is the knife drawer. In my bedroom he pulls out my jewelry from my jewelry box and in our bathroom he loves to get into our cabinets. He especially loves to play with my makeup. Sam already added a dead bolt to our door that leads to the garage because he kept escaping or getting into Sam’s tools. This picture is of a freshly baked loaf of bread. Carter got a chair, pushed it over to the counter, and ate big chunks out of it. I don’t know who told Carter about the terrible twos, but man he has embraced them.


sweet mama entropy said...

That picture is priceless! We've had so many loaves look exactly like that in our house! The terrible twos are certainly a force to be reckoned with!

Alison said...

I remember this phase. We tied all of our chairs to the table so they couldn't be pulled around. Memories!

katierose said...

i think carter gets into everything because he's smart. he's like a jack russell terrier...he needs constant supervision because he needs the stimulation!