Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Where are all the Pictures???

What have we been doing for the last week in a half since we have gotten home and where are all the pictures. Well, one day when my sister and her kids were over, Gavin yelled, “Mom, the camera is in the toilet!” Yes, my camera was indeed in the toilet and has never worked again. We don’t know who the culprit was. Carter and Trey were both wet and I shouldn’t have left my camera where they could get it. I already ordered the Canon Powershot SD1100 IS because I read a great review on it while I was at the Lyon’s house. Thanks Dave! It is even in a pretty blue color. I would have ordered pink but I didn’t think Sam would enjoy that. So, that is why I don’t have any pictures to post.

What have we been doing? We have mostly been working in our yard. We extended our garden to add herbs. Sam built the fort part of swing set. I put in new flowers and mulch in our front yard flower beds. We even added a stone border to the beds. I would love to post pictures but again, no camera. Gavin had to have his arm x-rayed. It wasn’t broken but he had to wear a sling for two days because of a painful contusion. Alycia and I ran in a 5K. She took third and I took 4th in our division. Dang her long legs! I hosted my ward book club and will be throwing a birthday brunch for one of my new friends tomorrow. Life never slows down and we are looking forward to the opening of our community pool on Saturday!


Alycia said...

well, at least you get a new camera now...sorry about that!

jenhatch said...

-great blog!
-them flower beds look GREAT
-I love that you're back and we can hang out again!
-thanks again for the brunch, i NEED those recipes... the cravings for them have already started!
-I can come by tomorrow to take pictures of your flower beds so you can post them!!