Friday, October 5, 2007

I was tagged... Thanks Laurel

Five things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Starting my freshman year at BYU
2. Dancing
3. Staying up way too late
4. Studying hard
5. Getting to know my crazy roommate Joi.

Five things on my "to do" list today:
1. Pack for my cruise
2. Do the laundry
3. Pay the bills
4. Pick up hair product
5. Take out some cash for the trip

Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Get a maid
2. Travel
3. Travel
4. Travel
5. Get two maids

Five things I'll never wear again:
1. Pegged pants
2. Snap bracelets
3. A bikini
4. Fake nails
5. Tie dye anything

My five favorite toys:
1. Our pool
2. Quickutz
3. DVR
4. MP3 payer
5. camera

Five people to tag:
Tiffany N.

1 comment:

The Rexburgites said...

maybe you should buy a new computer. Just a suggestion.