Sunday, May 1, 2011


On the first Sunday of every month we have a Testimony meeting.  People from our congregation get up and share what they believe in and sometimes talk about faith strengthening experiences.  In our family, we do not allow our children to get up until they are baptized (eight years old.)  Gavin was baptized in February and got up and shared his testimony in church today.  He didn't seem to have any fear of speaking in front of everyone.  He talked about his belief in Christ, our prophet President Monson, and that Joseph Smith translated the book of Mormon.  I didn't expect the feelings that came.  It was quite overwhelming to see all our hard work as parents be proven worth it right at that moment.  What a sweet boy he is to be able to feel the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  Gavin is a great kid and I feel so blessed to raise him in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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