Thursday, March 18, 2010

Johnson Road Park

We are on Spring Break this week. Last year we went to Sea World and it was a nightmare, so this year we decided to stay home. We really haven’t done much but play outside and spend time together. Tuesday we spent hours looking for a My Little Pony movie that Renée got from the library. We still haven’t found it, but I did find my missing watch in the chair cushions. On Wednesday, Jayne invited the kids and me over for a movie party in her theater room. We watch the Princess and the Frog. Gavin ditched us for the Science museum with his friend Tyler.
Today we spent two and a half hours at Johnson Road Park. Alycia and I planned on meeting there and then we ran into three other friends from the ward. It was a really nice afternoon. It is amazing to me how different each of my children are at the park. Gavin loves the money bars and loves it when I take his picture while crossing them. He is always asking me to watch this and take a picture of that. Renée is independent, and immediately makes some friends and I don’t see her until it is time to go. She spent most of her time on the tire swing with strangers. Carter loves the sand and running around. He has no problem talking to strangers and asking them for food. Most of the time people feed him because he is so cute and looks like he is two. When I went over to the sand box to check on Carter another mom asked if he was my son. My first thought is, “oh no, what did he do.” This time Carter handed her five dollars and asked her to take off his shoes. I had already told him that he had to keep his shoes on at the park. He had taken the money from Gavin’s room. I am not sure if he was trying to bribe this other mom into taking off his shoes or he was just was being generous.


Lindsay Edward said...

Sometimes the best vacation is just staying home and relaxing. Plus it looks like you guys have plenty of great stuff nearby! :-)

sweet mama entropy said...

paying another mom to take his shoes off - priceless! i laughed out loud :) and a big amen to seaworld on spring break. we ventured down there today and it was c.ra.zy! glad you guys had such a nice spring break (aside from the lost dvd - which also sound familiar :)