Monday, December 17, 2007

Heard Natural Science Museum 12.08.07

We took the kids to see the Heard Natural Science Museum's Dinosaur alive exhibit. The dinosaurs were life size, except the two bigest, moved, and made sounds. The kids really enjoyed it. Sam dressed the kids that day, so that explains Rene'e's hair and outfit.


Ava Nielson said...

Judging by the first picture...looks like Renee needs a pet dinosaur!

Ava Nielson said...

Did any of the dinosaurs have freaky hands??

Just Tera said...

Ok I thought Gavin jumping at the dino's was funny...but Ava's comments CRACKED me UP!

Melissa C. said...

I'm glad your kids enjoyed it more than mine. :) And I'm confused, because you say all of them except the two biggest were life size, but we read the signs next to each one and it had measurements of how large the dinosaur actually was, and it wasn't the same as the animatronic ones. Was I just wrong about that?